Our Trustees

Chair –  Ingrid Cranfield
(click photo to see bio)

portrait photo of Ingrid Cranfield. Ingrid has short light coloured hair, and is wearing a light blue top with a dark collared jacket.

Sudipta  Ghosh
(click photo to see bio)                         

portrait photo of Sudipta Ghosh.  Sudipta has short dark coloured hair, and is wearing a black top with red edging.   

Leo Meggit                                               

portrait photo of Leo Meggit.  Leo has short dark spiky hair, and is wearing a suit, shirt and tie. 

Thomas Boadu

portrait photo of Thomas Boadu. Thomas has very short dark coloured hair, and is wearing a dark blue jacket with a pink and blue checked shirt.

Jane Hessami

portrait photo of Jane Hessami. Jane has grey hair cut in a short bob style and is wearing a black polo neck jumper.  She is also wearing glasses.

Sarah Tite

portrait photo of Sarah Tite. Sarah has auburn coloured hair, and is wearing a patterned shirt with dangly earrings.

Our Team

Jaspal Dhani – CEO

Isabella Di Natale –  Office & Finance Administrator

Pauline Walker  – My Time Counselling Service Manager

Cheryl Ko – My Time School Drop In Therapist

Lucy May Robin – ABC Parents Child Health Community Champions Lead 

Lynne McKinstry – Starfish Project Manager (freelance)

Roby Dogwoh – Accountant (freelance)

Contact Us

You can visit us at:

Community House
311 Fore Street
London N9 0PZ

Or ring us on: 020 8373 6243

Or email us at enquiries@epandc.org.uk

Alternatively please fill out our contact form

    Our History

    EPC’s work dates back to 1995 when we were set up by Enfield Council to deliver advice and information on special educational needs and disabilities. In 1996 we became an independent charity and our work with children with SEND has been a cornerstone of what we do. Over the years we have added services where we have seen there is a need for them. We have offered parenting support groups and parenting training, fathers’ groups, family activities, bike workshops, ‘kids clubs’ and currently we offer the SENDIASS service, Independent Support, Transition and Preference Advice, ‘My Time’ young people’s counselling service, ‘Ready Steady…’ mentoring service and Starfish, a group to boost communication and confidence. Of course we can’t deliver any of our services without our fantastic volunteers and we have a dedicated Volunteer service to support them. Please visit the project pages to find out more.

    EPC changed its name from Enfield Parents & Children to Every Parent & Child in 2016 to reflect the breadth and diversity of our services and the wider geographical area we now serve.

    About EPC

    Our vision is to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or who require special assistance, and their families, to succeed in education and community life to improve their life chances.